FUBE – National Semiconductor

The term FUBES is the plural of fube. A FUBE is a replacement for a vacuum tube, using FET technology. If you plugged in a fube for a tube, the circuit might work better, but usually not. The fube was invented by engineers at National Semiconductor Corp in the 1960s, but never made any business or profit.

Note – if anyone out there can confirm or offer additional information on National Semiconductor and FUBES it woudl be greatly appreciated.


One response to “FUBE – National Semiconductor”

  1. Ted Crum Avatar
    Ted Crum

    I wish I had my old copy of the National Semiconductor newsletter the “National Flash” ca 1972. Therein they announced the Fube, advising designers to call their rep and say “Gimme the poop on those Tubes.” The product never reached market and it was not April fool. The motto of the Flash was “Tempo es Peso.”

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